About Dr Ague Alarcon

I’m a general dentist and member of the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch.
I aim to deliver the best possible care and treatment to my patients and make every effort to stay up to date with the latest in dentistry via professional development courses and seminars.
I enjoy building relationships with my patients where questions are welcomed and effective information is provided in a caring manner.
In my spare time, I’m into fitness and I also enjoy travelling

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What Dr Ague Alarcon loves about dentistry?

Although I enjoy all aspects of dentistry, I particularly enjoy the area of restorative dental and I take great satisfaction from being able to improve my patients’ aesthetics and manage pain relief

" Visit us regularly, brush your teeth and floss daily "
Dr Ague Alarcon

247-251 Station Road Melton VIC 3337
(03) 87460230

  • Parking Available
  • Accessibility at our heart
  • Conveniently located
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